Address excesses associated with renewal movement within the Church… Moderator tells Ga Presbytery Ministers


The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye has challenged the Ga Presbytery Ministers to help grow the church numerically and address the excesses associated with the renewal movement within the Church.

The Moderator said these and others when he made a whistle-stop at the Ga Presbytery Ministers’ Fellowship Retreat at the Presbyterian Women’s Center, Abokobi.

The Moderator indicated that as much as the renewal movement is Holy Spirit-directed and helpful for church growth, we must address excesses motivated by some evil intent.

He added that some people are following these because it works. “The fact that something works does not make it right. In the contest between Moses and the magicians of Egypt, the magicians also performed miracles.” As Ministers, we should resist every pressure that will lead us to behave like Aaron who ended up moulding an idol for the children of God to worship.

The second challenge Moderator Opare Kwakye threw at them was to pull all resources together to ensure that “Agenda 2 Million” would be successful. He said the Church should grow both quantitatively and qualitatively. He called on the Ministers in the Presbytery to pay attention to statistics at the Congregational level.

He gave an analytical example of what would happen if the Ga Presbytery grew by the stipulated 10%. He ended the church growth agenda by saying, “If we do not show signs of growth, we will become irrelevant going into the future.”

Responding to questions from the Ministers, the Moderator explained the process of postings and transfers. He mentioned that the process is never done out of malice but prayerfully for the good of the Church.

The retreat pulled together all Presbyterian Ministers within the Ga Presbytery with refreshing messages, prayer sessions, and sharing and reflective moments for Ministers.


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