Moderator pays courtesy call on Kokofuhene


The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rt Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante accompanied by Rev. Benson Osafo Kantanka and Rev. Benjamin Sabi Otchere, Chairperson and Clerk of Asante Presbytery respectively and some Senior Ministers from the Presbytery paid a curtesy call on the Omanhene of the Kokofu Traditional Area, Barima Offe Akwasi Okogyeasuo II on Saturday 19th February 2022.

The courtesy call forms part of the Moderator’s official working visit to the Asante Presbytery of the Church. The Moderator began a 10- day working visit to the Presbytery from Thursday 17th to Sunday 27th February2022.

Moderator also dedicates event centre and conference hall for the local congregation at Kokofu.


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