Department of Church Life and Nurture
(1) Committee on Christian Education
(a) Membership
(i) One Chairperson of Presbytery
(ii) One Educationist
(iii) Two Lecturers in Theological
(iv) Two Ministers with qualifications in
Christian Education
(v) One member each from the Generational
(vi) One Director of a Lay Training
(vii) One Presbyter
(viii) The Director, Department of Church
Life and Nurture
(a) Functions
(i) Work out a mechanism for providing
members of the Church with Christian
(ii) Ensure that members understand and
imbibe the Christian Faith.
(iii) Produce syllabi and time tables for
religious instruction and organize
non-formal education classes in
collaboration with the Committee on
Non-Formal Education.
(iv) Recommend suitable books and
equipment/teaching aids necessary for
the purpose of Christian education.
(v) Organize courses, conferences and
retreats for teachers and leaders of
Church Groups.
(vi) Conduct research into Christian
Education programmes for further
improvement and make appropriate
recommendations to the Church.
(vii) Advise the General Assembly on policy
matters on the Generational Groups.
(viii) Develop manuals for use by the various
generational groups in the Church.
(ix) Supervise and promote the work of the
Generational Groups.
(x) Liaise with institutions of Lay training
in the Church for Lay training, capacity
building and leadership development
for Groups in the Church.
(xi) Perform any other functions as may be
directed by the General Assembly.
(2) Committee on Worship
(a) Membership
(i) One Minister
(ii) One Catechist
(iii) One Presbyter
(iv) One Theologian
(v) One Lecturer from a Lay Training
Institution of the Church
(vi) One expert in Church music
(vii) One member from the Church Choirs’
(viii) One member from the Singing Bands’
(ix) One member from the Northern
Outreach Programme/Ministry
(x) One Youth
(xi) The Director, Department of Church
Life and Nurture
(b) Functions
(i) Arrange the pericope and Almanac of
the Church.
(ii) Advise and keep under review the
Liturgy for various services and rites in
English and in the Local languages
(iii) Promote the enrichment of Church
Worship and by the introduction of
acts of devotion in accordance with the
Reformed Tradition but sensitive to the
African context.
(iv) Conduct research into traditional
worship with a view to finding and
recommending ways whereby our
Reformed form of Worship may be
conveniently indigenised.
(v) Assist in raising the standard of
performance of musical groups within
the Church, both instrumental and
(vi) Formulate guidelines to encourage the
functioning of the Church Choirs and
Singing Bands in the Worship life of
the Church.
(vii) Promote the composition and learning
of hymns in the Church and in Schools
of the Church.
(viii) Perform any other functions as may be
directed by the General Assembly.
(3) Committee on Ministry: Training and
(a) Membership
(i) One past Clerk of the General
(ii) One past Chairperson of Presbytery
(iii) One Chairpesrson of Presbytery
(iv) Two Women (one lay and one ordained)
(v) One Presbyter
(vi) One PCG Lecturer from the Trinity
Theological Seminary
(vii) One Faculty Member from a Tertiary
(viii) The Director of Finance
(ix) The Director, Department of
Administration and Human Resource
The Director, Department of Church
Life and Nurture
(b) Functions
(i) Advise the General Assembly in
consultation with the Director,
Administration and Human Resource
Management, on Human Resource
needs for the Church’s ministry.
(ii) Arrange local and foreign training
opportunities for all ministers (lay and
ordained) seeking scholarships.
(iii) Interview and select candidates for
entry into the lay and ordained ministry,
and for further studies.
(iv) Coordinate and be responsible for the
training of ministerial probationers.
(v) Liaise with appropriate institutions for
mid-ministry (i.e., post-ordination)
(vi) Submit an annual report on scholarship
holders to the General Assembly.
(vii) Review periodically the scholarship
policy of the Church.
(viii) Perform any other functions as may be
directed by the General Assembly.
(4) Committee on Counselling and Family Life
(a) Membership
(i) One past Clerk of the General Assembly
(ii) One past Moderator of the General
(iii) One past Chairperson of Presbytery
(iv) One Presbyter
(v) Two trained Counsellors (one lay and
one ordained)
(vi) One Psychologist/Psychiatrist
(vii) Two Social Workers, preferably women
(viii) The Director, Department of Church
Life and Nurture
(b) Functions
(i) Recommend candidates for training as
Counsellors for the Church.
(ii) Advise on the setting up of fixed or
mobile Counselling Centres in the
(iii) Look into and make recommendations
for proper pastoral care and support of
Ministers and Catechists in the Church.
(iv) Promote the culture of counselling in
the Church.
(v) Advise the General Assembly on policy
matters related to counselling.
(vi) Develop and disseminate materials for
counselling in the Church.
(vii) Perform any other functions as may be
directed by the General Assembly.
5. Committee on Heritage and Doctrine
(a) Membership
(i) One past Clerk of the General Assembly
(ii) Two (2) Church Historians
(iii) One Theologian with background in
Christianity and African Culture
(iv) One expert in Church Doctrine
(v) One Theologian with background in
Systematic Theology
(vii) One Catechist
(vii) Two Presbyters (one male and one
(viii) The Director, Department of Church
Life and Nurture
(b) Functions
(i) Monitor and advise the General
Assembly on theological and doctrinal
issues in and outside the Church taking
into consideration the Reformed
Tradition and African/Ghanaian
Christian perspectives on such issues.
(ii) Advise the General Assembly on the
selection of themes or topics for the
celebration of the annual Heritage
Week in the Church.
(iii) Develop or produce publications,
manuals, study materials, etc. on basic
Christian doctrines/beliefs from the
perspective of the Reformed Tradition
for the education of the Church.
(iv) Produce and review where necessary, a
Confession of Faith for the Church.
(v) Perform any other functions as may be
directed by the General Assembly.