The 2025 International Partnership Consultation organized by the Evangelical Kirche in Hessen and Nassau (EKHN) has been held in Arnoldshain from the 27th January, 2025 to 30th January, 2025. It was on the theme, ‘Seeking Unity within Partnerships in a Changing and Challenging World’.
The Consultation was attended by Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Opare Kwakye, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana; Rev. Simon Kofi Yeboah, Chairperson of the Northern Presbytery; Mrs. Portia Offeibea Yeboah, Women and Youth, Northern Presbytery; Rev. Bernard Kyeremeh, Minister in Charge, Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Frankfurt and Lebene Dzandu, a Volunteer.

The consultation saw a series of presentations on various topics including: Moral and Ethical Discernments, Experiences in the United Evangelical Mission, by Rev. Dr. Dyah Krismawati; Introduction to the study document, Churches and Moral Discernments facilitating Dialogue to build Koinoa, WCC 2022, by Rev. Dr. Dagmar Heller & Rev. Dr. Kai Funkdschmidt of Konfessions Kundliches Institut, Berlin and Seeking Unity in Times of nationalism, populisms and divisions by Rev. Dr. Samuel Packiam of HenryMartin Institute in Hyerabad.
Other topics are Nationalism and Reconciliation in Europe by Bishop Rev. Jerzy Samiec ECACP; Seeking Unity- in responsibility for the entire creation by Bishop Rev. Dr. Abednego Keshomshahara, ELCT-NWD and Seeking unity- Future Perspectives on Ecumenical Partnerships in global contexts by Oberkirchenrat Rev. Dr. h.c Detlev Knoche, EKHN.
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Dietrich delivered the Keynote Speech on the topic, ‘Unity as a Promise and hope in a broken World in the context of Nicene’. He provided further exposition on the reason for the Consultation, Seeking Unity. This provided more insight on the history regarding the Nicene Creed and what it means for the churches and Partnerships.
Participant had workshops on the contributions of the churches to unity and ecumenism in partnerships and part of the closing ceremony was used to evaluate the whole programme with reference to the statements and decisions for the 2025 International Partnership Consultation.
Prior to the consultation, a special evening reception was organized for the outgoing Church President, Rev. Dr. Dr. h.c Volker Jung and his wife where Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye presented a Northern Kente (dress and Fugu) from Ghana and a stole of the PCG to them.
A church service was also held at Lutherkirche to bid farewell to Rev. Dr. Dr. h.c Volker Jung while the new Church President, Rev. Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz of EKHN was inducted into office. On behalf of the Ghana partnership, Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye again presented a Fugu Ghanaian Northern Kente dress and PCG stole to the new church President and congratulated her for the new phase of leadership.
The newly inducted church President expressed her sincere appreciation to all delegates and partner churches for their great contributions and continuous support over the past years in sustaining the existing partnership body.